While we provide excellent service, Living Water Systems exists, at its core, to help people understand the importance of quality water and to provide resources for decision-making around specific water quality goals. Our philosophy prioritizes the on-going relationship between LWS and our customers. We want to partner with you to ensure the continued operation of the system and quality of your water. We do this by providing education, initial consultations, installation, and regular servicing of water distillation and reverse osmosis systems. See more about the details of these elements on our Services page.


David has understood that water is an essential source of life from a young age. He grew up spending summers on Cape Cod with his family. He went on to become a graduate of MA Maritime Academy in Marine Engineering, during which time he traveled and explored the far reaches of the world, but could never get Cape Cod off of his mind. 

David started Living Water Plumbing 29 years ago; additionally, he developed his passion for education in a 20-year stint as a plumbing teacher at a MA vocational high school. Now, he enjoys serving the Cape community, with a particular focus on providing the life-changing benefits of pure water.

David renamed his company Living Water Systems three years ago upon moving to the Cape full-time and focusing his attention on water quality.

the story of lws

While at MA Maritime Academy, David became familiar with the inner workings of water distillation on a large scale.  At sea, all fresh water for the ship was produced by distilling sea water, and David serviced that system. It was also at this time that David got his first introduction to teaching, as he taught the in and outs of the distillation system to underclassmen.

In 1992, around the time that bottled water was gaining popularity in the US, David was introduced to home water distillation as a way to guarantee pure drinking water and curb recycling issues associated with single-use plastic. At the time, he was working as a plumber in the greater Boston area, often installing water filtration systems as part of his work.

Since that time, David has been doing research into the impact of water quality and different methods of water purification. 

As David began to explore the benefits of different water purification systems, he learned three important lessons:

1) As he learned more about the chemistry of water, David realized that water, as a universal solvent, will absorb material from its surroundings when given the opportunity. The water we use for drinking, bathing, and cooking comes out of the ground, and it’s very difficult to find a pure water source anywhere.

2) He found that, though customers were seeking a “more trusted source” for water, they weren’t aware that bottled water only was only required to meet the standard of tap water to be deemed drinkable. There was also not yet widespread consideration of the sustainability of single-use plastic water bottles.

3) He saw that most plumbers were not interested in these issues and that very few were providing education and services in the field of water purification.

Fast forward to today: many people are now familiar with questions of water sourcing and the connection between water and health.  Many know about the concerns of purity in bottled water as well as tap water, the environmental impact of single-use plastic, etc., but they are not necessarily aware of accessible solutions to these problems.

David believes that education and the solutions to these problems go hand in hand, and he is committed to providing both through the work of Living Water Systems.

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