Water Quality in the News

March 8th, 2021: New Harvard study finds dangerous PFAs in Cape Cod water supply

Researchers found, “the primary source of drinking water for tens of thousands of people on Cape Cod has elevated levels of toxic chemicals…The compounds, which a growing body of research has found can be harmful in minute amounts, have been linked to cancer, low infant birth weights, and suppression of the immune system.”

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June 10th, 2016: In U.S. drinking water, many chemicals are regulated — but many aren’t

“The Environmental Protection Agency keeps tabs on scores of substances that have surfaced in water systems around the country, with the aim of restricting those that endanger public health. But partly because the rules that the agency must follow are complicated and contentious, officials have failed to successfully regulate any new contaminant in two decades.

Only once since the 1990s has the EPA come close to imposing a new standard — for perchlorate, a chemical found in explosives, road flares, rocket fuel and, it turns out, the drinking water of over 16 million people. The years of inaction, critics say, have left many Americans at potential risk from substances that few even realize might be in their water in the first place.”

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Allen E. Banik, O.D., in his book, “The Choice is Clear”, calls water “nature’s own liquid line of health”. But today, with problems of pollution with poisonous additives in or tap water as well as the presence of inorganic minerals, good water is hard to come by. In today’s polluted world, distilled water is the purest water. Since it assists in the elimination of many harmful substances, it has been recommended for detoxification and fasting programs and for helping clean out the cells, organs and fluids of the body.


The U.S. Public Health Service, after much research, recommend distilled water to their various clinics, as did the Duke Medical Center in North Carolina. Distilled water is claimed to have no damaging effect on the heart, nor to deposit any unwanted material into the joints.

Arthritis, hardening of the arteries, diabetes, gallstones, kidney stones and cataracts have been allied with drinking impure water. Distilled water is said to break up mineral deposits and play an important role in the treatment and prevention of such diseases. Many experts say drinking distilled water removes much irritation from the kidneys and also increases the purity of the blood stream, thereby strengthening not only the kidneys, but also the body organs. Many medical patients troubled with kidney and bladder infections are reported to have seen their symptoms vanish after drinking only distilled water.

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